Health Minister Launches Construction Of ShieldVax Enterprise

Addis Ababa, January 29, 2024 (FBC) – Health Minister, Lia Tadesse launched the ShieldVax Enterprise project at the Kilinto Industrial Park today.

During the launching ceremony, Minister Lia said that this is the tangible manifestation of the government of Ethiopia to ensure health for all, ENA reported.

According to Lia, ShieldVax enterprise is not confined only to local market but also with a great potential to reach the global market.

ShieldVax, which is one Ethiopia’s public enterprises, will be pivotal in vaccine production in the region and the continent at large.

Developing local vaccine manufacturing capacity is one of Government of Ethiopia’s priorities and the Ministry of Health is working with various stakeholders to achieve this goal, it was learned.

Kilinto Industrial Park is one of the 13 parks operating in Ethiopia that specializes in Pharmaceuticals.

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