Ethiopian Delegation Meets With Portuguese APICCAPS, ATP

Addis Ababa, July 13, 2023 (FBC) – Ethiopian delegation led by Lelise Neme, Commissioner of the Ethiopian Investment Commission held meetings with the President of the Portuguese Shoes Manufacturers Association (APICCAPS) and the President of the Portuguese Textile and Garment Association (ATP).

The delegation is in its investment promotion mission in Portugal’s commercial city, Porto,

Reinforcing Ethiopia’s priority sectors, the delegation engaged in detailed exchanges with the highest leadership of the sectors in Portugal including briefings on unparalleled comparative advantages which Ethiopia avails to foreign investments in the leather and textile industries.

It is stated that the delegation’s presentation on the regulatory and tailored infrastructure developments and aura of political commitment in Ethiopia convinced both sectors leads to seriously consider Ethiopia as a possible investment and trade destination and to undertake official visits to Ethiopia in early September to assess opportunities firsthand.

Ethiopian Delegation meets with Portuguese APICCAPS, ATP – Welcome to Fana Broadcasting Corporate S.C (

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